Frequently asked questIons

If you have a question that is not included below, contact us for more information.

Frequently asked questions regarding our counselling and psychotherapy services

How much does it cost to see a psychologist in Sydney?

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The needs of each person are different, so costs vary significantly. We can refer you to certain schemes that may lower or eliminate your out of pocket costs. These include PHN Wentwest, Victims Services,  Work Cover and Medicare. To see if you're eligible, speak to your GP.

If you are eligible for the PHN or Victims Services Scheme, there will be no out of pocket expenses.

We can bulk bill certain clients. If you are unemployed, on a pension, or under 18, you may be eligible. Speak to your doctor for more information.

How soon can I get an appointment?

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We aim to give everyone an appointment within 2-3 weeks from first contact. The time frame varies due to psychologist availability and case urgency. Let your GP know if you need to see a psychologist urgently.

How long are the sessions?

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Our standard session is 50 minutes. Unfortunately, we cannot extend sessions if you are running late. If you are unable to attend, please give us 24 hours notice. Cancellation fees may apply.

Can we do sessions by phone or video call?

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We prefer face-to-face sessions because:
  • It's easier to connect with you
  • We avoid technical glitches
  • We can maintain your privacy
  • You get a cup of tea!
If you are unable to attend in-person and we're seeing you under Medicare, PHN WentWest or Victims Services, we can hold sessions via phone or Zoom at no additional cost. However, these subsidies are provided by the schemes and are only available for a limited time.

What will happen during our first appointment?

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During the first session we spend time
  • Getting to know you
  • Understanding the circumstances that led you to seek help
  • Explaining the therapeutic process and answering any questions you may have
  • Working with you to create a treatment plan
  • Finding the best frequency/duration of sessions

Do I need to prepare anything before my sessions?

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You will need to provide some basic information by filling out an online form that we send before your session. This information will help us understand your needs before you come in, so we can make the most out of your session.

See your GP before you come to see us. They will give you a referral, which may make you eligible for sessions without any out of pocket cost.

How many sessions should I attend?

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The total number of sessions depends on your individual situation; your psychologist will discuss this with you during the first session.

What can I gain from seeing a psychologist?

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Psychologists and psychotherapists can:
  • Listen and help you process the challenges in your life
  • Identify external and internal factors that are contributing to your situation
  • Formulate appropriate solutions to take back control of your mental health
  • Teach evidence-based techniques to regulate your emotions and control your thoughts and impulses
  • Plan your future and clarify your priorities
  • Advocate on your behalf and link you to other services which benefit your wellbeing
If you're still unsure, see your GP. They can help you decide if you need to see a psychologist.
See Our services

What happens if I don’t get along with my psychologist?

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We've seen hundreds of clients over the last 13 years. While we have a great relationship with most of our clients, sometimes we just don't click, and that's okay. We don't take it personally - having a good relationship with your psychologist is your right.

If it's not working out, let us or your GP know; we'll happily refer you to another psychologist.

It's important to remember that attending a session can be difficult, and it takes time to build a good therapeutic relationship. We suggest that you complete a few sessions before making up your mind.

Should you decide to leave us, we'll prepare a brief note on the work we've done together and we'll forward it to your new psychologist and notify your GP.